News Update from Dr. El Shahawy: June 2023

Sarasota Florida June 26/2023:

Great news to celebrate and share with all who supported me on the last 6 decades:

Today I am celebrating my 61 year anniversary since graduating from Vienna Medical School Sub Auspecies on June 26/1962 in a special ceremony and in the presence of the President of Austria who personally bestowed on me the Ring of Honor of the Austrian Republic for being the first non-Austrian to graduate with the highest honor. This reward was followed in the same year by similar recognition from the Egyptian President Gamal Abd El Nasser who presented me with the Medal of Honor of the Egyptian Republic. Since then I was honored and privileged to receive many other awards and recognitions by many National and International Civic and major Medical Cardiologic Societies. This included the Lifetime Achievement Award from the City of Sarasota for serving our community for 48 years along with naming February 4 as Dr. El Shahawy Day in Sarasota. In addition, I was recently honored and privileged to be invited to participate on 3 different continents, USA, EUROPE and AFRICA. This will take place within the next 8 weeks where I will be able to present and discuss some of our original work and discoveries in cardiovascular disease prevention which we achieved here in Sarasota, Florida within the last few vears. The locations are as follows: 1. USA: July21/2023, Annual Congress of the American Society of Preventive Cardiology [ASPC] in Arlington, Texas and on July 292023 in Boston/Massachusetts, 2 presentations at the Annual Congress of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography [SCCT]. 2. AFRICA: July 24-25/2023, Chairing and presenting at the 31st Annual International Congress of the International Society of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention [ISCVDP] Arusha/Kilimanjaro. 3. EUROPE: August 27/2023, Chairing 2 sessions at the European Society of Cardiology [ESC] Annual Congress in Amsterdam. This congress is one of the largest Cardiology meeting in the world ,with over 30,000 attendees. I hope to see some of you, particularly my medical colleagues at some of the listed events above within the next 8 weeks. 

In closing, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who contributed to our success and innovative discoveries in the area of cardiovascular disease prevention. Special thanks to my patients and staff who participated in the studies and research, my colleagues who referred patients to us and to my family who have been very supportive while I'm performing all these activities. I hope every Sarasotan will be very proud of our achievements while representing our medical community and Sarasota at these national and international forums on 3 different continents as listed above. Lastly, my best wishes to all my Muslim friends and colleagues from all over the globe, who currently, coincidently, are celebrating the annual festival of EID El Kebeer [ Happy EID TO ALL]

Thank you all with best wishes and please stay safe and well!

61 years anniversary